Mr. Marek Stepniewski has more than 30 years’ experience in the commercial nuclear industry and with his thermal-hydraulic background worked mostly in areas of transient and accident analysis as well as thermo-mechanical analysis and licensing of the nuclear fuel for both BWRs and PWRs. Recent years his interest was focused mostly on Design Basis Accidents in PWRs – LOCA and RIA – both as far as modern analysis methods and newly developed or updated acceptance criteria is concerned. He was involved in several international cooperation programmes like EPRIs Fuel Reliability Program, OECD/NEAs Working Group for Fuel Safety and OECD/Studsviks SCIP III project. He served as well as a member of the Thermal-hydraulic Reference Group for Swedish Nuclear Power Board (now Swedish Radiation Safety Authority).
Dr.Jim Henshaw is a chemist with a PhD in theoretical chemistry, developing methods to solve the time dependent Schrodinger equation. Jim has extensive experience in modelling radiation chemistry phenomena and has worked on topics relating to nuclear plant chemistry and nuclear reactor water/gas chemistry for over 30 years. Initially employed at Harwell Laboratory by the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority 1986 he retired from the UK National Nuclear Laboratory in 2020 as its leading reactor chemist. Jim is a recognised world expert in chemistry and in particular radiation chemistry in nuclear reactor systems. Over the years he has also spent much of his time studying material and activity transport issues in a range of different reactor systems and has a good understand of how reactor chemistry impacts material corrosion and fuel behaviour. Working with organisations around the world he has investigated problems in BWRs, PWRs and gas cooled systems and helped optimise plant operations. In fact many of these reactors currently utilise software for optimising their chemistry operations that he helped develop.
Mr. Matthew Eyre has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Virginia. He has over 40 years of experience in the operation, maintenance, fuel performance and spent fuel management of US light water reactors.
During his career, Matthew has authored and has contributed to numerous technical papers and industry articles. He has received industry awards regarding his innovations, which have improved the operations and maintenance of nuclear power plants. Matthew has patents (issued and pending) in the area of spent fuel management.
Mr. Adolfo Repáraz has extensive experience in the commercial nuclear industry in the areas of fuel mechanical design and manufacturing, irradiated fuel inspection, fuel performance assessment, failed fuel diagnostics, irradiated fuel inspection tooling, manufacturing surveillances, project management, hot cell inspections, and interaction with licensing authorities.
Dr. David L. Chapin Fuel Material BIOGRAPHY Dr. David Chapin is an experienced professional with a diverse technical background in nuclear engineering and the nuclear fuel business acquired through more than 40 years in the field. He has a Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Michigan. Most of his career was spent with…
Dr. Audrius Jasiulevicius Fuel Material BIOGRAPHY Dr. Audrius Jasiulevicius had completed his Ph.D. in the Nuclear Power Safety in 2003. Since then he had been working in the nuclear industry. He had been working with various aspects of the nuclear technology: thermal hydraulics system code development and applications, safety analysis, nuclear fuel licensing, nuclear fuel…
Mr. Sten Lundberg Fuel Material BIOGRAPHY Mr. Sten Lundberg, independant consultant, previously with Sydkraft/Barsebäck and Studsvik in Sweden, NPP Leibstadt in Switzerland and Stoller Energitechnik in Germany as a nuclear engineer. His area of expertise is within the nuclear, thermal hydraulic and dynamic area of the fuel cycle. At Leibstadt he was the lead station…
Mr. Jerald Holm Fuel Material BIOGRAPHY Mr. Jerald Holm, independent consultant, previously Manager, Product Licensing and Manager, PWR Nuclear Engineering with AREVA NP Inc. Involved in licensing, with the NRC, topical reports related to mechanical design, reactor physics, thermal-hydraulics, transient analysis, and LOCA analysis in both BWR and PWR areas. Managed activities related to reload…
Dr. Manfred Puls Fuel Material BIOGRAPHY Manfred Puls obtained a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Engineering Physics (1964) and a Masters of Applied Science degree in Physics (1965) both from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Subsequently Puls obtained a PhD degree in Physics (1970) from McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Both post-graduate…
Dr. Malcolm Griffiths Fuel Material BIOGRAPHY Dr. Malcolm Griffiths obtained his PhD in Physical Metallurgy from the University of Birmingham in 1981. After a three-year post-doctoral term working on radiation damage in Ti-alloys he joined AECL at the Chalk River Laboratories in 1984. He has worked on various aspects of materials performance in nuclear reactor…