We have a wide variety of Handbooks & Reports for introduction or reference.
Handbooks & Reports
Handbooks & Reports
Our handbooks & reports on current issues provide guidance for those needing to get an introduction of the various topics covered or to update and refresh the memory of those with materials/plant chemistry background.
A.N.T. International Nuclear Wiki helps our customers quickly find valuable information
AWIKI enables you to quickly find valuable information at the right time. It is continuously updated with the most recent information in all of the different areas of interest.
Online Education
Take your skills to the next level, anytime and at your own pace
Online Education
A.N.T. International Academy provides a variety of courses in the areas of: Fuel Material, Structural Material Degradation and Coolant Chemistry & Corrosion.
Annual Programmes
On Structural Material, Fuel Technology and Coolant Chemistry
Annual Programmes
Our Annual Programmes offer a thorough review of the most recent published data and discussion of its significance with the long and broad experience of our experts.
Expert Consultation
Consultation and technical support services for A.N.T. International customers.
Expert Consultation
From performance evaluation of new Zr alloy materials to fuel design review and much more!
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