Key Emerging Issues and Recent Progress Related to Plant Chemistry/Corrosion (PWR, CANDU, and BWR Nuclear PowerPlants) (LCC19)
Safety and reliability of power plants are becoming increasingly important factors since many plants are aging and have obtained license renewal for continued power operation and also for new reactors using different technologies that are or will be in design, construction, commissioning, or start-up stage. Therefore, sharing plant operating experiences, sharing lessons learned, and sharing new industry research are all crucial in order to maintain the nuclear power plant fleet in a healthy condition as well as for new reactors using different technologies that are or will be in design, construction, commissioning or start-up stages.
This report on Key Emerging Issues and Recent Progress, ANT International has collected the most relevant experiences and advanced research exposed at the Nuclear Plant Chemistry Conference NPC-2023 that took place in Antibes Juan-les Pins, France in September.