William J. Kroll Zirconium Medal to Peter Rudling, President of A.N.T. International

This award was established in 1975 to recognise outstanding achievement in the scientific, technological or commercial aspects of zirconium production and utilisation, and to encourage future efforts, studies, and research.
This medal is awarded to a maximum of one person in the world each year since 1975.
Peter Rudling is recognised for his contributions to the scientific, technological and commercial aspects of the metallurgy of zirconium through the development of ZIRAT (ZIRconium Alloy Technology), providing continuing education and consultation to the international nuclear industry.
The other side of Peter:
I have competed in several sports, e.g. when I was younger I was no. 4 in Swedish National Championship in MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). However, I found competing in bodybuilding was by far the most challenging sport I have experienced. One has to have a mind of steel to be successful. The preparation for a competition is really demanding since one has to be on a very strict diet for more than 6 months (if you are in a very, very good shape form the start) and at the same time train several hours every day. This regime was specifically demanding for me since I also needed to run my company. I set up a goal to be the best in the world and in 2012, I got 2nd place, see film below.
Peter age 57 years old, 2nd place i Master World Championship in Classic Bodybuilding, 50+ years.
The year after, I won the gold medal, 2013, see photo below:

I am still competing, and my form is still good, see photos below.
Peter age 64 years old, Competition in September 2018
Tailored Seminar at Vattenfall, in Sweden
Vattenfall, a Swedish power company participated in a tailored seminar provided by A.N.T. International in Stockholm, a few weeks ago.
The seminar contained the following topics:
- Basics: Texture, Plastic Deformation, Irradiation
- Irradiation Creep & Growth
- Corrosion and HPU, PCI
- Effects of Manufacturing on In-pile Performance
- Workshop
A summary of the evaluation from the participants in the Seminar is provided below. The grades ranged from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent).

Meet Our New Experts
The knowledge and experience provided by A.N.T. International’s Network of Experts continues to expand this year with the addition of 3 new members.

Dr. Jiaxin Chen received his Ph.D degree in 1995 from the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Gothenburg (Sweden). Since 1997 he has been working for Studsvik Nuclear AB in behalf of Swedish nuclear power utilities and authority as well as international customers. Currently, he holds a position as senior specialist in Studsvik Corrosion and Water Chemistry Laboratory.

Dr. Audrius Jasiulevicius had completed his Ph.D. in the Nuclear Power Safety in 2003. Since then he had been working in the nuclear industry. He had been working with various aspects of the nuclear technology.

Professor Gary S. Was received his ScD from MIT in 1980, after which he joined the Nuclear Engineering Department at the University of Michigan as an Assistant Professor. He became Full Professor in 1990 and was endowed with the Walter J. Weber, Jr. Professor of Sustainable Energy, Environmental and Earth Systems Engineering chair in 2007.

China 2019: Fuel Performance Seminar
Our upcoming seminars in Shanghai, China are now open for registration. Find all the information in the Invitation Letter.
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