Mr. Sten R. Lundberg
Mr. Sten R. Lundberg has more than 45 years of experience in the nuclear industry, the last 27 years as a consultant in the core and fuel area, primarily for BWRs. Before that, he spent more than 17 years with different utilities in the reload group (Sydkraft, Sweden), code development and testing group(Studsvik, now SSP, Sweden), and in the nuclear operation group (Leibstadt NPP, Switzerland). At Leibstadt, he held the position of head of the nuclear operation group for seven years.
He is presently working as a consultant in the area of competence mentioned above. His customers are Vattenfall (KKB&KKK) in Germany, BKW/AXPO (KK Mühleberg and KK Leibstadt) in Switzerland, Forsmark/Ringhals NPP (Sweden), and several other organizations and utilities worldwide (Toden software, ENSI, PSI, S Levy etc.). His expertise is in the core area with an emphasis on the reactor physics/Thermal hydraulics of the nuclear operation of BWR plants. In his consulting work, he was chiefly involved in BWR fuel and cores’ design and various steady-state and transient analyses of the nuclear operation. These analyses are a combination of the neutronic s and the thermal-hydraulic disciplines. Also, topics such as fuel failure analyses and fuel performance has been part of his work. He has also dealt with core design issues for PWRs.
He has also written codes (fortran) simulating the decay heat in reactors and nuclear fuel, xenon and samarium transients based on time/power input and a large number of help codes to analyze calculated results
He has a license to run the older CMS package containing the 2D CASMO-4E and the 3D SIMILATE-3/-3K codes.