ZIRAT23, LCC14 & A.N.T. International Academy Seminars 2019

I would like to thank our customers for supporting our annual seminars in Clearwater Beach, Fl., USA and Palma de Mallorca, Spain. This year we provided the following seminars:
- Zirconium Alloy Technology (ZIRAT)
- LWR Chemistry and Component Integrity (LCC)
- PWR Reactor Design and Operation
- Zr Alloy Corrosion and Hydrogen Pickup Mechanisms
The lectures were given by 15 A.N.T. International Experts as well as 6 invited speakers:
- Dr. Mhairi Gass read bio →
- Dr. Gary Was read bio →
- Mr. Joakim Karlsson read bio →
- Dr. Martin Steinbrück read bio →
- Dr. Juri Stuckert read bio →
- Dr. Jiaxin Chen read bio →
- Dr. Christoph Weber read bio →
Over 80 attendees from 34 organisations/12 countries in North and South America, Europe and Asia participated in the seminars
As in previous years, we got good rating from the customers shown in the table below.
What is your overall opinion?
A summary of the evaluation from the participants in the 2019 Seminars is provided in the table below. The grade ranged from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent). These values represent the average.

Customer Feedback
Feedback from the Seminars in Florida and Palma de Mallorca, 2019
“Very good seminar”
Tom Waldren
Post Irradiation Examination Manager
Ministry of Defence, UK
“Overall – very informative”
Jackie Robinson
Isothermal Analytical Chemist
Amec Foster Wheeler
“The ZIRAT reports are always of very high quality”
Benjamin Mills Wallace
Senior Structural Integrity
“Overall an outstanding presentation”
Darrel James Bond Jr.
Head of Chemistry
Nawah Energy Company
“Overall I have found the ZIRAT programme hugely informative”
Shaun Kelly
Stress Engineer
Tailored Seminar
ENUSA’s experience with A.N.T. International’s tailored seminar in 2019

Nuclear industry is surrounded nowadays by not a few of adverse situations that were not present in the last decade: more severe safety and regulatory requirements after Fukushima accident, decommissioning of several nuclear power plants, excess of capacity of fuel producers, the threatens of a growing competitiveness of the renewables…
The today’s challenge then, is to keep the nuclear business at the same levels of profitability that it used to be, complying at the same time with new and more demanding standards. Each and every Company applies theirs own methods to solve this complex equation but it is no difficult to guess that one of the factors always there included, is the costs reduction.
The teaching and training of the professionals of the nuclear field to get the required level of qualification to face these goals, shouldn’t be impacted by a cost’s reduction policy. This is something easy to say but difficult to achieve specially now, when most companies are suffering, partly due to this policy of reducing costs, a generational change that is not always compatible on time with an adequate transmission of knowledge to the unexperienced and young professionals that are taken them over.
Although there are some competitive companies or institutions that offer interesting training courses in the nuclear fuel area, the content of the courses does not 100% match with the specific needs we are intended to cover. Moreover, these training courses use to be held abroad so the cost of the training is increased with the ones of the travel and stay.
Enusa found in the tailored seminars offered by A.N.T. International the best solution to a training that could be designed following exactly the contents and objectives required by our internal Training and Qualification Requirement Manual. The option of taking the seminar “at home” avoided the extra costs of travelling and allowed the participation in the training action, of a number of engineers that, otherwise, could not have been afforded. Moreover, ENUSA had some previous good experiences working with the worldwide known and industrial experienced A.N.T. International network of experts.
So we went ahead with a three-day seminar at ENUSA last March 2019. The objective and the content of the seminar was specifically defined by ENUSA and later on discussed and fine-tuned with A.N.T. More than 20 ENUSA engineers attended the seminar that was conducted by Mr. Peter Rudling and Dr. Malcolm Griffiths at ENUSA’s offices. The results of the survey rated the seminar between “Very good” and “Excellent” and the open questions referred mainly to the applicability of the learned knowns to the daily work and the acknowledge of the qualification of the speakers.

Cristina Muñoz-Reja Ruiz
Photo Gallery

China 2019: Fuel Performance Seminar
Our upcoming seminars in Shanghai, China are now open for registration. Find all the information in the Invitation Letter.
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