Corrosion and Hydrogen pickup (HPU) – Vol. III

Corrosion and Hydrogen pickup (HPU) mechanisms of Zr alloys remain a top priority of the nuclear industry. Commercial Zr alloys have today adequate in-reactor corrosion properties. However, hydrogen in fuel components limits the fuel performance today during normal operation and accident conditions as well as during transport of spent fuel. Despite more than 50 years research, the corrosion and HPU mechanisms are still not clear. Improved understanding of the in -reactor oxidation and hydrogen pickup mechanisms are thus required. To shed light on theses complicated mechanisms A.N.T. International has published a set of three reports (Vol. I, II and III) with the focus on explaining the very complicated corrosion and hydrogen pickup mechanisms in an understandable manner.

Volume III gives an introduction to the best understood mechanisms of Zr alloys corrosion and HPU mechanisms, with the aim of giving a ”mental image of the phenomena”, more than discussing in detail all the controversial aspects of the current scientific debates.


Corrosion and Hydrogen pickup (HPU) – Vol. II

Corrosion and Hydrogen pickup (HPU) mechanisms of Zr alloys remain a top priority of the nuclear industry. Commercial Zr alloys have today adequate in-reactor corrosion properties. However, hydrogen in fuel components limits the fuel performance today during normal operation and accident conditions as well as during transport of spent fuel. Despite more than 50 years research, the corrosion and HPU mechanisms are still not clear. Improved understanding of the in -reactor oxidation and hydrogen pickup mechanisms are thus required. To shed light on theses complicated mechanisms A.N.T. International has published a set of three reports (Vol. I, II and III) with the focus on explaining the very complicated corrosion and hydrogen pickup mechanisms in an understandable manner.

Volume II gives more detailed information on:

  • Early Zr alloy development
  • Out-of-reactor corrosion
  • General in Reactor Corrosion and Hydrogen Pickup behaviour
  • Effects of alloying impurities on corrosion and HPU
  • Corrosion modelling and prediction


Corrosion and Hydrogen pickup (HPU) – Vol. I

Corrosion and Hydrogen pickup (HPU) mechanisms of Zr alloys remain a top priority of the nuclear industry. Commercial Zr alloys have today adequate in-reactor corrosion properties. However, hydrogen in fuel components limits the fuel performance today during normal operation and accident conditions as well as during transport of spent fuel. Despite more than 50 years research, the corrosion and HPU mechanisms are still not clear. Improved understanding of the in -reactor oxidation and hydrogen pickup mechanisms are thus required. To shed light on theses complicated mechanisms A.N.T. International has published a set of three reports (Vol. I, II and III) with the focus on explaining the very complicated corrosion and hydrogen pickup mechanisms in an understandable manner.

Volume I gives an introduction on the corrosion and hydrogen pickup (HPU) processes in zirconium alloys. The following topics are treated in details:

  • The effects of in-reactor irradiation on both zirconium alloys and the coolant (radiolysis)
  • Crud sources, transport mechanisms and deposition mechanisms
  • Axial offset anomalies
  • Reactor cases of severe crud impact on fuel performance


Corrosion of Zr-Nb Alloys in PWRs

The report gives an overview of the development of the Zr-Nb alloys in the nuclear industry, as well as the basic metallurgy and manufacturing of the Zr-Nb alloys. The report focuses on the out-of-reactor as well as in-reactor corrosion and hydrogen pickup performance.


Water Chemistry and CRUD Influence on Cladding Corrosion

The purpose of the report is to describe the fundamentals in crud formation, transport, and deposition, in order to provide a solid basis for evaluating and analysing any fuel operational problem due to crud deposits. The ultimate purpose is to provide knowledge and insight for staff involved in the operation and materials selection in nuclear power plants, in order to prevent the occurrence of any crud-related fuel problems.


Corrosion of Zirconium Alloys

The microstructure in the Zr-Nb alloys have crucial impact on the material performance in-reactor. The microstructure is a function of material chemistry and the manufacturing process. This report provides an overview of Zr alloy manufacturing process and relationship between fabrication, microstructure and in-pile performance.