Dr. Zoltán Hózer
Invited Speaker
Dr. Zoltán Hózer graduated in nuclear engineering from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute. He received PhD for his thesis on the simulation of defective fuel rods from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Doctor of Science degree from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for fuel integrity studies.
He has been working at the Atomic Energy Institute of the Centre for Energy Research since 1984. His main scientific interest focuses on the behavior and failure of nuclear fuel under high temperature accident conditions, but he has also some research activities on spent fuel handling and fast reactor fuel development. He initiated several separate effect tests series with different zirconium alloys and supervises the CODEX experimental program with electrically heated fuel bundles.
He participated in a number of international projects on fuel behavior and severe reactor accidents, and coordinated the OECD-IAEA Paks Fuel Project. He is giving regular lectures on nuclear fuel and supervising PhD students in Hungarian universities.