Dr. Audrius Jasiulevicius Fuel Material BIOGRAPHY Dr. Audrius Jasiulevicius had completed his Ph.D. in the Nuclear Power Safety in 2003. Since then he had been working in the nuclear industry. He had been working with various aspects of the nuclear technology: thermal hydraulics system code development and applications, safety analysis, nuclear fuel licensing, nuclear fuel…

Dr. Christoph Weber Invited Speaker BIOGRAPHY Dr. Christoph Weber obtained his Diploma in Chemistry from the University of Heidelberg (Germany). After his PhD in physical chemistry, he joined Kernkraftwerk Mühleberg (Switzerland). Between 1991 and 2002 he worked as a technical employee, QS Manager and deputy Manager in the radwaste department. In 2002 he changed to…

Dr. Jiaxin Chen Coolant Chemistry & Corrosion BIOGRAPHY Dr. Jiaxin Chen received his Ph.D degree in 1995 from the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Gothenburg (Sweden). Since 1997 he has been working for Studsvik Nuclear AB in behalf of Swedish nuclear power utilities and authority as well as international customers. Currently, he holds a…

Dr. Juri Stuckert Invited Speaker BIOGRAPHY Dr. Juri Stuckert joined Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in 1997 and is currently head of Nuclear Safety Research Group at the Institute for Applied Materials. The focus of his scientific interests is the high-temperature material behavior of LWR fuel elements and core materials. He served several times as…

Dr. Martin Steinbrück BIOGRAPHY Dr. Martin Steinbrück graduated in chemistry at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and received his Doctor of science in 1990. He has been at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (formerly Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe FZK) since 1991; in that time he worked mainly in the field of Nuclear Safety Research. Dr. Steinbrück is leader…

Mr. Joakim Karlsson Invited Speaker BIOGRAPHY Mr. Joakim Karlsson obtained in 1999 his PhD in Reactor Physics at Chalmers University of Technology. He has 15 years of experience in post-irradiation examinations and testing of nuclear fuel and materials. His present position is PIE specialist at Studsvik Nuclear.

Prof. Gary Was Structural Material Degradation BIOGRAPHY Professor Was received his ScD from MIT in 1980, after which he joined the Nuclear Engineering Department at the University of Michigan as an Assistant Professor. He became Full Professor in 1990 and was endowed with the Walter J. Weber, Jr. Professor of Sustainable Energy, Environmental and Earth…

Dr. Mhairi Gass Invited Speaker BIOGRAPHY Dr. Mhairi Gass joined Amec Foster Wheeler in 2010 and is currently the technical lead for core materials research, which focuses on understanding the behaviour of zirconium alloys in light water conditions. This involves a number of test programs, predominately concentration on delivering corrosion data with a detailed characterisation…

Mr. Sten Lundberg Fuel Material BIOGRAPHY Mr. Sten Lundberg, independant consultant, previously with Sydkraft/Barsebäck and Studsvik in Sweden, NPP Leibstadt in Switzerland and Stoller Energitechnik in Germany as a nuclear engineer. His area of expertise is within the nuclear, thermal hydraulic and dynamic area of the fuel cycle. At Leibstadt he was the lead station…

Mr. Jerald Holm Fuel Material BIOGRAPHY Mr. Jerald Holm, independent consultant, previously Manager, Product Licensing and Manager, PWR Nuclear Engineering with AREVA NP Inc. Involved in licensing, with the NRC, topical reports related to mechanical design, reactor physics, thermal-hydraulics, transient analysis, and LOCA analysis in both BWR and PWR areas. Managed activities related to reload…