Juan Ramos Nervi
Invited Speaker
Juan Ramos Nervi leads the Materials Engineering Department in Nucleoeléctrica Argentina S.A. He has an Engineering degree in Materials Science and a Master in Micro–mechanics. Nowadays he is PhD candidate in applied micro–mechanics focused in materials modeling for aging assessments such as Zirconium alloys Creep, RPV and RVI modelling coupling radiation induced micro–structural changes with the effect in their macroscopic response. He has more than 10 years of experience in simulation focused on solving pressing materials modelling challenges.
He is particularly interested in exploring the limits of the structural stability and aging boundaries of the nuclear power technologies. Among his achievements the development of the Pressure Tube deformation equation for Embalse NPP surveillance program, Atucha RPV Irradiation Embrittlement and PTS analyses, stands out. This project was the base for the first stage of the Life Extension Program of Atucha UI. He is author of 18 articles in peer-reviewed journals and more than 40 technical reports related to the RPV and RVIs.