Dr. Richard Collingham
Fuel Material
Dr. Richard Collingham retired from AREVA in 2004 where he was manager of Safety Analysis Engineering and Fuel Development. His responsibilities included Code Development, Fuel Development, nuclear fuel and reload design and LWR Plant Safety Analyses. In R&D, he was responsible for code development in support of fuel, core and plant analyses; the computer codes were approved by regulators for a large number of international plants including US plants. In addition, he was responsible for the development and testing of new PWR and BWR fuel designs.
In the analysis area, he was responsible for fuel and core thermal hydraulic analyses, and plant AOO and LOCA reload safety analyses. Dr. Collingham was responsible for almost a hundred reload analyses that supported reload regulatory approval and plant operation of a variety of LWRs. He was also responsible for the nuclear fuel and reload design of several cores. His particular interest was (and is) in the thermal hydraulic development (including testing) and analysis of PWR and BWR fuel assemblies; this involves co-resident fuel compatibility analysis, CHF/DNB testing and CHF/DNB correlation development.