Dr. Martin Steinbrück
Dr. Martin Steinbrück graduated in chemistry at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and received his Doctor of science in 1990. He has been at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (formerly Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe FZK) since 1991; in that time he worked mainly in the field of Nuclear Safety Research. Dr. Steinbrück is leader of the group High-Temperature Materials Chemistry at the Institute for Applied Materials. He is in charge of the KIT project QUENCH dealing with hydrogen source term and coolability during quenching of an overheated core in the framework of the KIT program on Nuclear Safety. His special interest is the materials behaviour as well as oxidation of and interactions between the various core components at very high temperatures. Dr. Steinbrück is organiser of the annual International QUENCH Workshop (http://quench.forschung.kit.edu/index.php).