Dr. Diego Ferreño is a MD in Civil Engineering from the University of Cantabria (UC) (1999), Master in Numerical Methods applied to Engineering by the Polytechnic University of Cataluña (2004), PhD in Civil Engineering by the UC (2008), MD in Physics from the UC (2011) and Master in Data Science by the UC. As a researcher he has participated in more than 60 research competitive projects at the national and European level. In 2009 he won the Research Award of the Social Council of the UC in the field of Engineering. He is currently Full Professor of the UC and has been Deputy Director of International Relations and Coordinator of Exchange Programs of the School of Civil Engineering of the UC. For the time being he has published near 60 research papers in peer reviewed journals indexed in the JCR, four books and has participated in more than 30 scientific congresses. His main lines of research are: Structural integrity of components; neutron embrittlement of nuclear vessels; numerical simulation by Finite Elements of mechanical, thermomechanical processes and fracture mechanics; mechanical behavior and strength of biological materials; development of Machine Learning and Deep Learning models in the field of structural analysis, manufacturing processes and prediction of neutron embrittlement in nuclear vessels. Specifically, his career hbas been focused to the sector of the structural integrity of nuclear vessels and to the modeling of neutron embrittlement. On the one hand, between 2000 and 2010 he collaborated with the Santa María de Garoña nuclear power plant in order to implement the Master Curve methodology as a disruptive and improved alternative for estimating the remaining life of the vessel. On the other hand, from 2018 to the present he has focused on the development of Machine Learning algorithms to predict neutron embrittlement in nuclear vessels in the context of the ENTENTE EU Project.