Dr. David L. Chapin
Fuel Material
Dr. David Chapin is an experienced professional with a diverse technical background in nuclear engineering and the nuclear fuel business acquired through more than 40 years in the field. He has a Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Michigan. Most of his career was spent with the Westinghouse Nuclear Fuel Business, including as a Consulting Engineer in the Fuel Engineering Department and as program manager with responsibility for several Westinghouse fuel development programs and advanced fuel designs and the lead technical role on several international fuel design projects in cooperation with customers and partners in Europe and Japan. Following retirement from Westinghouse in 2014, consulting services have been performed for various projects. His areas of knowledge and expertise are reactor core design, nuclear fuel design including mechanical design, T&H design, fuel rod design, and licensing, nuclear fuel performance and fuel reliability, nuclear fuel cycle, fuel cycle economics, fuel management, nuclear fuel design computer codes and methodology, product development and advanced technologies. The early part of his career involved work in fusion reactor design and plasma physics.