Mr. David Schrire
Mr. David Schrire has degrees in Nuclear Engineering from Queen Mary College, London and Purdue University, Indiana. He has worked in the area of fuel performance since 1983, both at Studsvik Nuclear and at ABB Atom (now Westinghouse Sweden) and from 2004 to 2022 at Vattenfall Nuclear Fuel where he was a Senior Specialist in Fuel Performance. He has extensive experience in planning, leading and evaluating in-pile and out-of-pile testing and post-irradiation examination of fuel and core materials, with numerous publications in the area.
While at Studsvik he initiated the ROPE-I and ROPE-II international projects to study the behaviour of high burnup LWR fuel rods operating with a high internal pressure, and later the Studsvik Cladding Integrity Project (SCIP), an international programme to study cladding failure by different mechanisms. At ABB Atom, where he was the head of the fuel inspection and performance group, he led a programme to evaluate the consequences of cladding hydriding. At Vattenfall Nuclear Fuel he was responsible for planning and evaluating the introduction of new fuel designs and materials in the Forsmark and Ringhals reactors, as well as for fuel performance topics including analysis of fuel and fuel structural component failures.
He has been actively involved in international fuel behaviour research programmes including the JAEA ALPS I and II safety tests in Japan and the EPRI Fuel Reliability Programme.