PWR Reactor Design and Operation
This course provides an overview of all aspects of PWR plant and fuel design including normal operation, accident mitigation, the fuel reload analysis process, operating experience issues, and computer codes used for PWR analyses. The generic characteristics of a PWR are considered followed by an overview of the major plant systems and normal core operation. Details of the three US PWR vendor designs are examined. Major PWR accident mitigation systems are reviewed as well as characteristics of significant accident scenarios analysed. Next, PWR fuel component design and function are described in detail, including material selection. Significant analysis requirements, such as critical heat flux and reactivity control, are discussed as well as the cycle reload analysis process. Lastly, operating experience challenges and current state codes for PWR analysis are reviewed.
The primary aim of the course is to give a practical understanding of PWR plant and fuel design and operation. This course is directed at engineers and engineering support personnel that support PWR plant operation, PWR fuel design, or any facet of PWR fuel analyses.
This is a one and a half day-seminar.