Historical Evolution of Coolant Chemistry for PWR/VVER Plants: 1960 to Present; Including Basis of the Guidelines


This report describes the historical development of the water chemistry in primary side of the PWR and VVER plants since 1950s up to present. Starting with the first research PWR plants in USA without applying any water chemistry addition of neither alkaline reagent nor hydrogen, lot of fuel performance degradations were experienced in 1950s and 1960s, such as heavy fuel deposits, flow restrictions across the core, reactivity losses and high radiation fields. Even the first AOA indications were experienced in a PWR with low core duty operating without applying water chemistry treatment.


Historical and Present Issues on Secondary System Chemical Treatment and Corrosion in PWR/VVER Units; including Materials Behaviour


This report describes and explains the past and present issues related to secondary system chemistry and materials behaviour.
It starts with the relation between design and material evolution influence on chemistry selection, as well as guidelines for the secondary system. It also explains the behaviour of added reagents and of impurities in the secondary system. The integrity and long-term behaviour of the plant is largely considered.


Zr Alloy Manufacturing and Effects on In-reactor, DBA and Interim Dry Storage Performance


The overall objective of this Special Topic Report (STR) is to provide the knowledge of how the reactor environment (fast neutron flux, temperature, water chemistry, etc.) and the Zr-alloy microstructure, which is a function of material chemistry and manufacturing process, impacts fuel performance during normal operations, transients, design basis accidents and interim dry storage.


Cooperation between A.N.T. International and Studsvik

Cooperation between A.N.T. International and Studsvik A.N.T. International and Studsvik Nuclear AB have signed a cooperation agreement. The cooperation aim is to provide both A.N.T. Internationals’s and Studsvik’s customers to benefit from the combined expertise and facilities, especially for international collaboration programs. As part of the agreement both organisations will support one another in seminars,…

A.N.T. International Newsletter | Antenna No. 45, 2019

Newsletter from A.N.T. International No.45, 2019 William J. Kroll Zirconium Medal to Peter Rudling, President of A.N.T. International This award was established in 1975 to recognise outstanding achievement in the scientific, technological or commercial aspects of zirconium production and utilisation, and to encourage future efforts, studies, and research. This medal is awarded to a maximum…

A.N.T. International Newsletter | Antenna No. 44, 2019

Newsletter from A.N.T. International No.44, 2019 ZIRAT23, LCC14 & A.N.T. International Academy Seminars 2019 I would like to thank our customers for supporting our annual seminars in Clearwater Beach, Fl., USA and Palma de Mallorca, Spain. This year we provided the following seminars: Zirconium Alloy Technology (ZIRAT) LWR Chemistry and Component Integrity (LCC) PWR Reactor…

Covering the Zr Related Results Published During 2017-2018


The overall objective of the ZIRAT Programme is to enable the nuclear utilities and laboratories to:

  • Gain increased understanding of material behaviour related to successful core options for the back end of the fuel cycle.

The objective is met through review and evaluation of the most recent data on zirconium alloys, identification of the most important new information, and discussion of its significance in relation to fuel performance now and in the future. Included in the review are topics on materials research and development, fabrication, component design and in-reactor performance.


Material Test Reactors and other Irradiation Facilities


In materials test reactors (MTRs), materials are subject to intense neutron irradiation to study the induced changes. As MTRs are able to reproduce material degradation undergone by materials in power reactors, they provide essential support to the study of ageing of materials in power reactors. MTRs are also being used to irradiate new cladding materials and fuels that are being developed as Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF) systems.